Shop Category:

- Floor 2

Open hours:

9:00AM - 10:00PM

Contact information:

070 930 933 / 077 930 933

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Sberk Cosmetic

S’BERK is a leader in Local prestige retail, teaching and inspiring clients to play in a world of beauty. Owned by DRPROFESSIONAL, the Cambodia's leading luxury goods group, S’BERK has earned its reputation as a beauty trailblazer with its expertise, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit.

At S’BERK, beauty is in our DNA. Our revolutionary beauty-retail concept, founded in CAMBODIA by Doctor Eric in 2019, is defined by its unique, open-sell environment with an ever-increasing assortment of products from carefully curated brands, featuring indie darlings, emerging favorites, trusted classics, and S’BERK’s own, S’BERK COLLECTION. Today, S’BERK is not only the leading retailer of perfume and cosmetics stores in CAMBODIA, but also have a powerful beauty presence willing to go across the countries around the world thanks to its unparalleled assortment of prestige products in every category, unbiased service from experts, interactive shopping environment, and innovation.

S’BERK believes every stroke, swipe and dab reveals possibility, and we share our client’s love for the confidence that our products, services, and expertise brings to their life every day. In every store, clients unlock their beauty potential at our Beauty, Skincare and Fragrance Studios through intuitive technology and guidance from the most knowledgeable and professional team of product consultants in the beauty industry.

S’Berk Page មានលោកគ្រូអ្នកគ្រូពេទ្យជំនាញសើរស្បែក សម្រស់ចាំព្រឹក្សាជួយដល់មិត្តគ្រប់ៗគ្នា មិនមានមនុស្សធម្មតាឆ្លើយតបផេកនេះទេ

S’berk Cosmetics និងបើកដំណើរការជាមួយនិវត្តកម្មប្លែកៗ ថ្មីៗជាច្រើននៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលពាណិជ្ជកម្មនិងផ្សារក្រោមដី OLYMPIA CITY ក្នុងឆ្នាំ២០១៩ ឆាប់ៗនេះហើយ។

S’berk store មិនមែនតាំងលក់តែម៉ាក់ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនទេ មិត្តៗនិងអាចទទួលបានការកំសាន្តសប្បាយជាមួយផលិតផល គ្រឿងសំអាង និង ផលិតផលថែរក្សាសំរស់លំដាប់អន្តរជាតិដទៃជាង​200ម៉ាក់ ស្តង់ដារយកចាប់ពី FDA KOREAទ្បើងទៅប៉ុណ្ណោះ និងគុណភាពខ្ពស់ សុវត្ថភាពក្នុងការប្រើប្រាស់​ មិនមានរបស់ក្លែងក្លាយ ពិសេសមានជារង្វាន់ កាដូវត្ថុអនុស្សាវរីយ៍ កាតសមាជិក ហើយនិងការបង្រៀនពីវិធីតុបតែងមុខនានាពី Make Up Artist ល្បីៗ ក្នុងនិងក្រៅប្រទេសផងដែរ...